Welcome! [Launch Info]

  • Level Up

    Become a BEAST of an angler through learning new skills & techniques. Out-fish your friends by having new tricks in your tackle box.

  • Catch More Fish

    Have more flexibility to fish in new areas. Discover the weeds, rocks, shallows, and deeps where more fish are lurking.

  • New PBs

    With more fish come bigger fish. You'll catch a new personal best in no-time.

Our Story

On sun-kissed shores, my boyfriend, Zach and I (Maddy) embarked on a journey that would redefine our lives: fishing. From clumsy novices barely snagging a sunny to skilled anglers mastering every lure and technique, our passion for the sport deepened with each outing. Casting our lines became more than a hobby; it was a way of lifeβ€”a shared adventure of friendship and discovery.

Fueled by our love for fishing and the desire to share our expertise, we founded Biggin Box.

It's not just a store but a haven for anglers, where gear meets community. Our mission? To empower fellow enthusiasts with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the waters and create unforgettable memories.